27 April 2006

Kyoto: food, friends, lots of walking

Kyoto was wonderful fun, but it was too dark, dreary and fast-paced to take any pictures. The Hundertwasser exhibition was great, though they included a terrible early figure drawing of his, which made me sad. Unfortunately, no photographs in the museum. Otherwise, we hardly stopped for a moment the whole day except to eat delicious food, where it was too dark and boring to take pictures. We tried anyhow. Here are the only semi-decent pictures from the day. I am now exhausted and will go to bed.

?, Okabeksu-Chan, Qamar, Sakiko-Chan, ?
Osabesku-Chan, Ito-Chan, ?, Qamar, Myself
Partially eaten macha soup, a delicious dessert food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the soup looks good. I may just eat soup in Japan. mrDad